The numbers varied slightly depending on card speed, faster cards able to clear more space in the buffer to allow the extra shots.
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In JPEG mode the camera reached 46-49 shots at full frame rate before it slowed. In continuous shooting, the A6000 captured 22-24 images in both RAW+JPEG and RAW only modes at full frame rate. The generous buffer in the A6000 combined with its moderate write speed capability tends to minimize the difference between memory cards. Several cards performed between 33-36 MB/s write speed in the camera. It measured 35.9MB/s maximum write speed during continuous shooting RAW images. (RAW+JPEG and JPEG modes have lower write speed.) Sony A6000 SD Card Write Speed The write speed results are provided using RAW image format. Write speed is presented in MB/s (1 MB = 1,048,576 bytes). Write time is determined by reviewing a video of the the card access light. To calculate write speed, the total amount of bytes written to the card are divided by the write time.

A remote release timer provides 30 second intervals for continuous shooting test.
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The A6000 is set to manual focus and mounted on a tripod.